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HomeBTA ActivitiesNino Beglarishvili about Christmas in Georgia
January 2022

by Esther Pickup-Keller and Nina Bendukidze

The subject of a regular Zoom talk organized by Bristol Tbilisi Association on  20th of January 2022 was the Georgian Christmas. This talk was given by Nino Beglarishvili who has been a friend of Bristol for many years. She works in the Mayor's Office in Tbilisi and is responsible for international links, including the link with Bristol. She has completed two work placements in Bristol City Council in the International Department. She has been of immense help to BTA members when they have organised visits to Tbilisi and we were very grateful to her for speaking to us on 20th January; after all, it was nearly bedtime in Georgia, when we met. 

Whilst we associate 25th December with Christmas, the Eastern Orthodox church has 7th of January in their calendar for this celebration. 

Zoom meeting Nino Beglarishvili talk1Chichilaki Georgian christmass tree  



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